Times correspondent Simon de Bruxelles (or so it says on his twitter profile) tweeted this great image of a Bristol equal-rights shop.
It’s funny, yet at the same time it’s the right thing.
Given the social consequences of all this unnatural retouching and as the father of a girl, I can only agree with this proposal to have a mandatory “photoshop rating” added to the photos. Some researchers have come up with a nifty image analyzer that can show the level of alteration of any given picture. Cool stuff.
A new photograph-analyzing tool quantifies changes made by digital airbrushers in the fashion and lifestyle industry, where image alteration has become the psychologically destructive norm.
“Publishers have legitimate reasons to alter photographs to create fantasy and sell products, but they’ve gone a little too far,” said image forensics specialist Hany Farid of Dartmouth University. “You can’t ignore the body of literature showing negative consequences to being inundated with these images.”
via Image Tool Catches Fashion Industry Photo Alterations | Wired Science | Wired.com.